is a regional education organization in the Flemish region of Belgium. It is responsible for managing and overseeing the primary and secondary education system in the region as well adult education. In total there are 28 employees working in the organization. Each employee is deployed on the basis of his interests and competences (STEM – Mathematics – digital competences – effectiveness – educational curriculum – innovation etc.) and is constantly trained if necessary. In this way, the POV supervisors are always aware of the most recent developments in the educational landscape.

The organization’s goals include providing high-quality education for all students, promoting equal opportunities in education, and preparing students for success in the workforce. To achieve these goals, POV works in partnership with schools, teachers, and other educational stakeholders in Flanders and abroad.  Because of the involvement of various domains the organization develops and implements policies and programs that support student and teacher learning and development.

POV’s vision for education is one of lifelong learning, where all students have the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to be successful in the 21st century. This vision includes a focus on innovation and creativity, as well as the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, POV places a strong emphasis on the importance of digital competences in the current and future world and encourages the integration of (green) technology in education.

POV is responsible for ensuring that the education in Flemish region is in line with the national and regional laws and regulations, but also provides support and guidance to schools and teachers in the development of their own policies and programs.

For the Savlar-project POV worked together with Richtpunt Hamme, a VET-school that is very strong in innovation and technics. Therefore they were willing to think together about the implementation of AR in education.